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Dr. Santanu Das is currently appointed at Department of Ceramic Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) as Assistant Professor.

His research interests lie in synthesis and electrical, mechanical and electrochemical properties of thin-films, two-dimensional (2D) graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) materials and applications based on these materials in order to solve the issues & challenges in Photovoltaic, field effect transistors, energy storage, and sensors. Dr. Das's research actively involved in the synthesis and characterizations of the physical/electrochemical properties of 2D graphene and TMDC materials and applied them into transistors, photovoltaic, light sensor diode, energy storage, sensors and other electronic device applications. Besides the 2D material approach, his research also involves synthesis and processing of nanostructure including, carbon nanotubes, ZnO nanowires, and hybrid materials(Graphene/CNT hybrids and other 2D heterostructure).

Dr. Das was also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of North Texas from September 2012 to April 2014. He did his PhD from Florida International University (FIU) (2008-2012) and received outstanding PhD dissertation award and the recognizition by the Dean, College of Engineering and Computing of FIU. Dr. Das is also a recipient of neumereous awards including FIU graduate school's awards named "Dissertation Evidence Acquisition and Dissertation Year Fellowā€¯ scholarships during his doctoral research period. In addition, he also received numerous research awards including; the Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy Conference (by American Ceramic Society) poster award, FIU scholarly forum best presentation award and Honorary Membership for Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society, USA) etc. He was the winner of the University gold medal in Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, India during his master course. He has published ~ two book chapters, one invited review, total 45 SCI-indexed high-impact research articles in prestigious international peer reviewed journals and 8 peer reviewed conference proceedings. He currently has h-index of 13, and holds 4 patents. Recently He received an prestigious MRS outstanding poster award in the Fall 2013 annual meeting at Boston, USA.



DEC 3, 2013

Measurement of graphene substrates adhesion energy using nano-scratch study